Mаin рurроse is tо weigh оr сheсk the аmоunt оf lоаd trаnsferred. The lоаd сell sensоrs аre аlwаys bоnded аlоng with elаstiс mаteriаl, knоwn аs strаin gаuges. Tо understаnd mоre оn them, it is neсessаry thаt yоu must knоw аbоut strаin gаuges, their tyрes, wоrking рrinсiрle, аs well аs, аreаs оf аррliсаtiоn.

Resistive load cells work on the principle of piezo-resistivity . When a load /force /stress is applied to the sensor , it changes its resistance . This change in resistance leads to a change in output voltage when a input voltage is applied.

Stаndаrd аррliсаtiоns inсlude lоаd сell instаllаtiоns in bаby sсаles, hоsрitаl beds, infаnt inсubаtоrs, infusiоn рumрs, раtient hоists аnd exerсise equiрment. аррliсаtiоns inсlude оn-bоаrd vehiсle weighing, оver heаd сrаnes, соmbine hаrvesters, feed mixer wаgоns, wаste соlleсtiоn vehiсles, tiррer truсks аnd аeriаl wоrk рlаtfоrms.


A load cell is a type of transducer which is used to convert mechanical force in to a measurable electrical output, anything which needs to be weighed probably uses a load cell to do so . Load cells come in many different shapes and sizes so that they can be added to different machinery and weighing equipment.

A strain gauge is a single transducer used to convert the mechanical deformation into readable electrical output . Whereas, a load cell comprises an array of strain gauges that convert the mechanical load into readable units.

Process Weighing:

Rsl 642: manufacturer and seller of one of the most basic items of load cell technology rsl 642. We make sure to keep the premium quality product under regular check to never compromise about the product quality. It is made up of aluminum as the base raw material, making it one best quality available in the market.

Rsl 803: specifically used to weigh huge counterparts like truck scales, this device is specially designed and manufactured to function in the toughest climates. This device is solely made up of stainless steel, giving it the strength and durability that is most anticipated from this device.

Sl 60048: intricate and durable designs made for even the toughest environments make it one of the must-buy parts for weighing purposes. This type of load cell device is composed of premium and technologically advanced raw material, making it perfect for every weighing job.

Rsl 810: we manufacture and sell one of the best load cells in the market. We make sure not to ever compromise with the quality of our products. This device is one of the best products we provide, made up of stainless steel, this device will never break down even in the toughest environments.

RSL 301: like every other load cell this also helps you with the weighing of goods or other loads. However, this variety can be solely used for more sensitive weighing purposes, especially for medicinal purposes. You can without any sheer doubt believe in the quality of this product.

RSL 203: made up of stainless steel , which makes it ideal for every environmental condition. No compromises are made with the product quality or Customized products can also be made based on your requirements.

RSL 910: designed for the purpose it serves with the best and advanced material and technologically advanced design. Customized shapes and designs can also be made within a given period following the special requirements of the concerned customers.

RSL 60048: designed for weighing heavy loads with the most accuracy and desired precision this device is no doubt very popular in the industrial unit. We design and sell this item with the best material present out there in the market. We make sure that this device lives up to its popularity.

RSL 601: perfect for load weighing job this load cell device is perfect for your needs in the field of load measurement. This device makes sure to provide the measurements with ultimate precision and accuracy, with comparatively faster results.

RSL 651: heavy load measuring alternative for RSL 203. Made up of stainless steel and also scientifically advanced designs. This device provides you with the perfect measurement value coupled up with accuracy and precision. This product will always live up to it s market expectations.

RSL 616: this device is used in load weighing industries that need accuracy and precision. Especially in medicinal purposes where accuracy is mandatory. Made up of stainless steel and need ful designs this device is without any doubt one of the best.

RSL 110: this device is used in truck scales like its alternative RSL 204. Made up of stainless steel and also scientifically advanced and approved designs will make sure to provide you with the most precise and accurate values. Customized designs and shapes can also be made and sold.

Final Word:

We never compromise with products that we design or sell. Recommendations for further improvements are always welcomed. Customized products are also designed and resold on our website.


Load cells are often required for numerous load-bearing applications, both for ensuring safety of people & environment and for maintaining structural integrity. Other applications include docking locations and freight vehicles which must sustain incredible heavy loads on regular basis.

Our manufactured Load cells are widely used in different industries for various applications. Some of application where our load cell is extremely used are –